The alternative bucket list approach to life

I have never formally made a bucket list. Sure, there are things I would love to do and some more than others but I have never written anything down.

This article has a different way of composing this list and the focus is definitely on people. It is basically the following:

“Imagine you’re in a hospital bed, connected to a tube. You have a pen and paper in hand. Would you really list anything about visiting a foreign country or an ocean escapade? Not really. People in that actual situation usually think about loved ones–grandkids, children, their spouses. It’s perfectly human. All of those typical bucket list items like going on a cruise have nothing to do with other people, usually. No one puts “have grandchildren” on a bucket list, but maybe it should be the highest rated item.”

It also suggests adding things you may regret not having done but always wanted to do - for example write a book.

Certainly food for thought!


Reverse Bucket List

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