Delete your meetings

Could you be bold enough to delete all the meetings in your calendar?

In the book Time Wise it refers to a situation where someone tried the following:

Delete every meeting in your diary and accompany the deletion with a note to the organiser, providing them with three options:

  • Option 1 is that they re-invite you to the meeting but specify the purpose of the meeting and the role they want you to play.
  • Option 2 is that someone else can sub in for you and you don’t have to attend.
  • Option 3 is that you don’t need to be at the meeting anymore, or better still, that the meeting doesn’t even need to exist.

I am fortunate that I don’t have many meetings in my calendar and those I don’t need to attend I will decline. I even proposed to my team that we have days we specifically schedule with no meetings but they came back with “we don’t have many meetings anyway”.

However for someone who has a lot of recurring meetings this might be a game changer.


Time Wise

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