Getting started with the Hugo static site generator

This blog is being powered by a static content generator called Hugo and hosted on GitHub Pages. Getting Hugo up and running was relatively easy. Download the relevant version and installation was just copying it to a folder.

Once installed, create a new site:

hugo new site mySite

In the site folder edit the config.toml file to change the baseUrl, the language and the title.

Use git to clone a theme from the available themes to a folder under the themes folder in your site.

A page can be added by typing:

hugo new post/

and then editing the file generated under the content/post folder. You might want to remove the “draft” line".

To test the site, run:

hugo server -t thethemename

where the thethemename is the name of the theme folder and then go to the url given in the console output.

To build the static content:

hugo -t thethemename --destination=/somefolder

where somefolder is the name of the folder to build the content to.

This can then be pushed to GitHub.

Side note: You might also want to “git config core.safecrlf false” on the github folder to remove some CRLF warnings when pushing on Windows.



Available themes

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