No more school

Today is my daughter’s last official day at school - they have a party for about an hour tomorrow so that doesn’t count.

She still has her ‘A’ Level exams to take from next week onwards but this is her last day of having to go in for lessons. It is a very odd feeling having watched her grow up and pass through each school.

Her three years in infants school starting with reception, her four years at primary school, watching her grow up a bit more, her five years at secondary school - watching her start the change from a girl into a young woman and finally her two years in sixth form - watching that change accelerate.

It will be very strange, especially once her exams are over. Soon she will be off on holiday with her friends and then onto university life in September.

This is definitely a period of transition for all of us; a chance for her to start to experience life the way she wants. It will be hard for us taking a bit of a step back and watching her on this journey. We will obviously be there to guide her and support her but it will be from afar.

Honestly, I am not sure if I am ready for that yet but I will have to be.