Opinions, mazes and sofas
A wide variety today covering strong opinions, idea and growth mazes and getting sofas around corners.
Dealing with strong opinions
Some great advice for dealing with the situation where someone has a strong opinion and it is not the same as yours. I particularly liked “Other ways of working, work.” - it is easy to forget there may be other ways of doing things that will still work but are not the same as your way of thinking.
The Growth Maze vs The Idea Maze
I really like the idea of the Idea Maze as a way to look at how a new product could sit within a market and how the maze may identify new avenues to follow. It does seem like quite a challenging exercise to generate it but could be massively beneficial if you can do it.
The Largest Sofa You Can Move Around a Corner
We recently had to return a bed we had ordered as it wouldn’t quite fit around one of the corners on our stairs (it was about 3cm too big) so this felt particularly apt.