The Goal, a calculator app and a washing machine
Today includes a review of the book “The Goal”, how complicated a calculator app really is and an illustration using a washing machine of how the unexpected can throw a spanner in any estimates.
Book Review: The Goal - by Traverse Clayton
A nice balanced review of a great book to read about identifying the bottlenecks in a system. It is focussed on manufacturing but can be applied to other areas. It is an entertaining read, despite the subject matter. I’ve read it a couple of times and given away a copy.
Calculator App
Who would have thought it was so difficult to get a calculator app correct - something that is often set as a beginners learning to code task.
My Washing Machine Refreshed My Thinking on Software Effort Estimation
A brilliant example of how supposedly simple tasks can take way longer than expected. Something that may sound like it is easy to do can have unexpected challenges.