AI agents v records, London Eye and no sales calls

No post yesterday as I was in the Netherlands for work but today we have the move from data records to AI agents, the history of the London Eye and an unusual approach to enterprise sales (no sales calls).

From Records to Agents: The Overlooked Revolution in Enterprise Software

Is enterprise software going to change from passing records to agents acting on their behalf?

The proposal here is that a business data record becomes an active entity that aims to execute on it’s own, such as an invoice automatically navigating the landscape of approval.

In all these scenarios involving agents, not just in this article, they seem to gloss over the big question of trust and permissions. They assume that an agent will have access to everything and you will trust the agent. That may come in time as ways are identified to achieve the level of trust required but this could become the biggest hurdle as they will potentially have access to very sensitive information and how do ensure that only the “correct” agents/users have access to it?

London Eye at 25: The wheel that nearly wasn’t

Interesting background on how the London Eye came about when it wasn’t picked as the winner of a design competition. It was originally only meant to be temporary but is now celebrating 25 years.

No calls

A bold approach to sales calls with large businesses - don’t have them and do it all asynchronously via other means. It may leave money on the table but maybe the time saved makes up for it? Getting all the people involved in the decision on the same thread of discussion could potentially also speed up the sales process.