Acorn, a toaster and Eagle Scout award

A history of Acorn (and my links to it), a repairable flatpack toaster and a regret removed with an Eagle Scout award.

Technical history of Acorn (Version 0.6 Beta)

Although this page is out of date, it is a nice history of Acorn. I worked for them briefly, testing digital TV set top boxes, around about the time they were taken over by Pace and Element 14 was spun off. We had started our own consultancy and they were our first and only customer. We had been there for about 2 weeks when they had a meeting and made lots of people redundant - somehow we survived it but some people had been there for more than 10 years and were let go.

Repairable Flatpack toaster

A project to design a toaster that can be assembled and repaired by anyone. It includes the process they went through in designing it. A really nice walkthrough of the journey they went on.

My surprise Eagle Scout award

A great story about a regret of over 35 years and how it led to a day of community service and someone, unknown to the author, reaching out and helping to address it.