GPS alternative and Mandelbrot set
A new approach to working out your location without using GPS and an online Mandelbrot set explorer.
Tern AI’s low-cost GPS alternative actually works
A new approach to finding your location that is not GPS. There is very little information on how it works other than it links to the sensors in a car. It also can take a while to find where it is, unless you give it a starting hint, however the actual location tracking is comparable, if not better, than GPS.
Mandelbrot Set Explorer
I remember coding a Mandelbrot set explorer about 30 years ago - and it ran VERY slowly. This is a really nice fast implementation. (You might need to hit the x2 button as you zoom in).
When I was at university, chaos and fractals were just starting to become a “thing”. I helped a friend with an engineering project where he studied fractal dimensions and I wrote some code so that he could visualize the results in 3d.