My Posts

Solving a Dell laptop freezing

I have a Dell XPS13 laptop and it developed this really annoying habit of randomly freezing for a few seconds and then carrying on as if nothing had happened. It quite often happened in the middle of a work call which made it pretty much unusable.

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Generational Mindsets

In a recent article/tweet the author commented on how all the photos taken by their child looked awful. However they realized this was down to a different generational mindset.

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Learnings from my jobs

I have had lots of jobs during my life and I think I can identify at least one thing I have learnt at each of them. I usually know it is time to move to a new role if I no longer enjoy it or I am no longer learning something new.

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JAS goals

About fifteen years ago, Casey Treat spoke at our church about goal setting. He explained that a lot of people set a goal of reaching a certain weight and he said the problem with that occurs when you reach that weight.

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Why? Not no

One of my favourite podcasts is Hanselminutes by Scott Hanselman. I have been listening to it probably longer than any other podcast. He recently interviewed Roberta Arcoverde from Stack Overflow. She talked about how the architecture of the Stack Overflow site is very different from most other large sites in that it is a self hosted monolithic application.

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So what do you do?

It is a classic way people start a conversation. Some people meet, they exchange a few pleasantries and then they ask “and, so what do you do?” And each person then takes turns, hopefully if someone doesn’t just keep talking, explaining what their job is.

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Getting quieter to get louder

Austin Kleon wrote an article about how we can get used to anything. Something is new and exciting but before too long it becomes the normal and we are no longer excited by it. It seems to be part of our nature.

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High value low engagement versus high engagement low value apps

Most mobile apps, and websites to an extent, seem to be driven by how much they can get the end user to use or engage with them; the more usage the better.

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Work in 2030

There are two camps of people where I work; those who want to return to the office and those who want to remain working remotely. The former group tend to be those whose work involves spending most of the day talking to people (the “business” side of the company). The latter group tend to be those whose work is mostly focussed around thinking - or have family and enjoy the balance this approach affords. I fall into the latter camp on both counts.

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Future proofing

It is always tempting when buying or designing things to plan for the future; to add features that make your design or purchase “future proof”.

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