Picking ideas

I have a file with 400+ ideas for businesses, products, books, etc. So finding ideas is relatively easy. However validating and picking ideas is more of a challenge.

Despite the title of the article, Where To Find Ideas, there is a focus on how to validate a business idea. I particularly like the approach to the pricing point and the customer type.

It breaks down the pricing into identifying the revenue you wish to achieve. It then further breaks this down into three scenarios for achieving this. This highlights why setting the correct price can make a huge difference to the success in achieving the required revenue.

The customer type is split into four: Small Enterprise, Small Business, Prosumer and Consumer. There is no mention of larger organisations, possibly as these tend to be a harder sell, especially for a new business.

It also takes the finding ideas approach in a different direction by using keyword searches and online sites for ideas. You can then look at the flaws in products you like and from this identify an idea to follow.


Where to find ideas

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