Pressure and stress

We often equate pressure with stress and vice versa.

This article has a nice definition of the difference:

Stress is the lead-up to the big event, and pressure is what we experience at that moment. We experience stress moments when no one else is paying attention when we’re overwhelmed.  Pressure is the tension we feel during a moment we perceive as important, uncertain, and when we feel we’re being judged by others. Pressure moments are when you really do need to perform because there’s something at stake.

In the book Multipliers they have a great illustration of the difference between the two:

He cites the famous image of William Tell shooting an apple off his son’s head: “In this scenario, William Tell feels pressure. His son feels stress.”

Pressure can sometimes be a positive and a motivating factor and help us perform better. Stress occurs when this pressure becomes excessive. Stress is a natural reaction to too much pressure.

It is sometimes worth taking a step back and identifying which is impacting you.


Pressure vs. Stress


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