Rebecca purple

The community for the CSS-Next repository recently had a vote to decide on a new official logo. The colour chosen for the new logo was rebeccapurple. This colour was introduced to the CSS specification in 2014.

It was named after Rebecca Meyer who died on her sixth birthday from brain cancer. She was the daughter of Eric Meyer (an important member of the CSS community).

The color was originally going to be called beccapurple, but Meyer asked that it instead be named rebeccapurple, as his daughter had wanted to be called Rebecca once she had turned six. She had said that Becca was a “baby name,” and that once she had turned six, she wanted to be called Rebecca. As Eric Meyer put it, “She made it to six. For almost twelve hours, she was six. So Rebecca it is and must be.”

What an amazing tribute!


CSS Gets a New Logo: And It Uses the Color rebeccapurple

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