
The One Percent Exercise

A simple group exercise to improve your company or even your life

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4 min, 758 words

At a recent off-site we ran a simple group exercise that will hopefully make a big difference to the success of the company

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Categories: work

The Keeper Test

How do you work out who your most important or best employees are?

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3 min, 403 words

It is that time of year where performance and salaries are reviewed. In my new role it is the first time I have been part of this. I came across a very timely article that aligned nicely with one of the steps in our process.

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Categories: work

Capturing decisions and those involved

Making sure decisions are captured and who should be involved in making them

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2 min, 376 words

My role has changed recently to include another team. This has also included more interaction with other areas of the business and also the management team.

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Categories: work

Oh no second

Most experienced people in development have experienced an oh no second at some point in their careers.

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3 min, 410 words

An oh no second is that moment in time when you realise that you have done something potentially catastrophic and your stomach turns to mush with the dread and realisation.

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Categories: work

What is different?

The difference a good culture and team can make.

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2 min, 292 words

Every Monday morning as part of our stand up meeting we ask a "question of the day". A designated victim person chooses a question that each team member gets to answer. This week the question that was asked was:

What do you like about our company that is different from other places you have worked?

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Categories: work