
What is different?

The difference a good culture and team can make.

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2 min, 292 words

Every Monday morning as part of our stand up meeting we ask a "question of the day". A designated victim person chooses a question that each team member gets to answer. This week the question that was asked was:

What do you like about our company that is different from other places you have worked?

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Categories: work

Always agreeing

A recent candidate was asked about consultancy and said the customer is always right. Discuss ...

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3 min, 422 words

When interviewing a potential candidate recently I asked them the difference, in their opinion, between the way a consultant/contractor engages with a company and a full time employee.

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Categories: work

Cut to gain

Meeting changes and a four day week lead to better productivity

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2 min, 292 words

In 2018, Andrew Barnes' company, Perpetual Guardians, permanently introduced a four day week (FDW). The staff would get 100% pay but work 80% of the time as long as they hit 100% of their productivity goals.

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Categories: work book