
Work in 2030

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6 min, 1012 words

There are two camps of people where I work; those who want to return to the office and those who want to remain working remotely. The former group tend to be those whose work involves spending most of the day talking to people (the "business" side of the company). The latter group tend to be those whose work is mostly focussed around thinking - or have family and enjoy the balance this approach affords. I fall into the latter camp on both counts.

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Categories: work

Kenneth Goanascis

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1 min, 139 words

Many years ago when I ran an engineering team for a consultancy we would get calls almost every day from recruitment agencies trying to pitch their services to us.

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Commuting to my office at home

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2 min, 394 words

Scott Hanselman posted a tweet with the following tip:

Here's a tip that my remote team does - When you get up in the morning, if you're willing and able, try COMMUTING to your home office! Go for a circle around your neighbourhood and arrive back home to your home/remote office! It psychologically marks the start and end of the day.

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Categories: life work

Openness, discussions and success

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6 min, 1069 words

I work very closely with two colleagues - and have done so for a number of years. Together we have experienced some serious ups and downs in the company we work for and also personally. We have each reached a point where we were close to leaving; we have each had something happen in our lives where the others have supported us.

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Categories: life work

Fractional talent as an alternative pool of resources

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2 min, 273 words

At the startup I work for we used to have a full time HR person. These were in the days when the expectation was that we would have explosive growth and the company would "at least double in size every few months". Unfortunately that is not the way it played out - we are still making good progress but have much more realistic growth plans.

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Categories: work