Things I have learnt over time ...

How to change your day with meeting plans

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2 min, 240 words

I recently had a day where I had about 10 different meetings - all on different subjects. I knew that I would struggle to be productive in each of them if I turned up for them unprepared and had to switch subjects each time.

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Categories: work

How to easily implement successful remote team retrospectives

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5 min, 810 words

As part of our processes we regularly hold retrospectives. We used to do this all in a room with post-it notes - a fairly traditional approach. We would set up 4 areas: Liked, Longed, Learned and Lacked and proceed to plaster post-it notes over the different sections. Once everyone had finished we would organise each section into themes and then discuss and agree actions.

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Categories: work

A first encounter with sketchnoting

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2 min, 216 words

One of the talks I attended at the Microsoft Build conference was called "Sketchnoting 101" and given by Nitya Narasimhan. It gave a very high level view of the approach and how anyone can quickly pick it up.

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Categories: life

Rethinking conferences in a remote only world

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2 min, 395 words

I recently attended the fully virtual Microsoft Build conference. There is no way I would have been able to attend the real "physical" conference due to the location, financial commitment and time required however this gave me an opportunity to benefit from something normally out of my reach.

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Categories: business