Things I have learnt over time ...

How to identify real gurus and experts

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1 min, 65 words

This is an old post (March 2009) that someone retweeted but still holds true on how to work out if an expert is really an expert. It also is a guide how not to fall into common traps that so-called experts fall into.

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Categories: business

Black Mirror - technology ethics and can it be used for wrong?

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1 min, 129 words

Nearly every technology that has been developed has been used for both good and bad. Developments that look like they could have a massive impact on civilization have usually also spun off a side effect that has a detrimental effect. This could be the latest technologies such as genetic engineering and artificial intelligence or older technologies such as the automobile.

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Categories: technology

Antilibrary - should I finish the book I am reading?

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1 min, 82 words

I read a lot of books and once I start reading a book I normally finish it. This article proposes that it may be more valuable to have a bunch of books that are unread. Not sure I completely buy in to the proposition that "Read books are far less valuable than unread ones" however maybe I won't feel so guilty buying a book and then leaving it unread.

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Categories: life