Things I have learnt over time ...

Dancing without sound

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1 min, 45 words

My daughter loves dancing - always has done - whether it is street, contemporary or ballet. However she faces none of the challenges the dancers (and musicians) in this video face. I won't spoil it here ... just watch.

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Categories: life

Smart glasses you might actually wear

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1 min, 127 words

Intel have just announced a new set of smart glasses that don't look stupid. Admittedly the functionality is a lot more limited that other offerings however these look a lot more normal than them. It provides very limited functionality to display a small red image in the lower part of the wearers vision. Cleverly it also disappears when the user is not looking down.

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Categories: technology

Extending a wifi network with a TP-Link RE650

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2 min, 248 words

I had a very unusual setup for the network for my office. The office is situated a floor above and at the opposite end of the house to where the main router is located. A fully wired connection is not an option at the moment due to concrete floors and limited access to roof voids.

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Categories: technology

The Kubernetes Book by Nigel Poulton

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1 min, 155 words

At the moment I am having to get up to speed on a bunch of technologies relating to "DevOps". This includes Kubernetes. I borrowed this book from a colleague and read it over the course of two days commuting. It provides a very good high level overview of all the main concepts of the platform.

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Categories: book

When The Game Was Ours by Jackie MacMullan, Larry Bird, and Magic Johnson

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2 min, 290 words

On 12th June 1984 I was on a family holiday in the US. We had spent three weeks travelling around Florida and then up the east coast to finally end up in Boston. During the day we had a guided tour of the city and we were told that it was game seven of the NBA finals that night between the Boston Celtics and the Los Angeles Lakers.

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Categories: book