Things I have learnt over time ...

Using crazy socks to make an impact

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1 min, 114 words

This is a great article about a small business that is growing rapidly and run with a smile on their faces. John and his dad started a business to sell crazy, fun socks and it has gone from strength to strength. I also like the 5% of sales to the Special Olympics and the socks for charities (watch the video).

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Categories: business

Rewarding the act of volunteering

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1 min, 56 words

A new digital coin has been introduced in Hull to reward people who volunteer for things. Due to regulations the receiver can cash in their coin in the form of a discount when purchasing products at certain stores.

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Categories: blockchain

Surprising the customer with unexpected pricing

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1 min, 114 words

Derek Sivers highlights an interesting pricing approach in this article. He was asked to perform at a distant location. When the customer couldn't afford the price they suggested reducing the performance time, hoping to reduce the price. Instead of doing the expected he raised his price. His reason was that they were paying for him to get to the location and then do the work where the work was the fun bit. By reducing the time on the fun bit it was less worth him making the trip.

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Categories: business life