
Abolish performance reviews

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1 min, 118 words

I have never been a fan of performance reviews. It may have been down to the way they were implemented at the places I worked however they never seemed to achieve what they were set out to do. The review would usually consist of going over the "achievements" for the past period and then setting a bunch of artificial goals for the next period. The only time these new goals were actually consulted was in the run up to the next review.

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Categories: work

Reducing the team size to deliver

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1 min, 53 words

A project was struggling to deliver in time and the project manager resolved it by reducing the team size where the typical approach is to increase the team size. This decision was based on the overhead of communication and Brooks Law.

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Unorthodox leadership by letting others drive

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1 min, 95 words

Steve Kerr, the coach of the Golden State Warriors basketball team, took an usual step recently by allowing his players to coach instead of him. He felt that things had become a little staid and wanted to shake things up ... it worked - they won by their highest margin of the season. Sometimes leadership is knowing when to step back.

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Categories: work