Things I have learnt over time ...

Simple task breakdown

Breaking down a large task into manageable sub tasks using a simple visual approach.

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3 min, 437 words

We needed to plan the work for the next quarter for the infrastructure team and in doing so came up with a simple way to breakdown the work.

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Categories: work

Bringing the menu to life

Often when presented with a menu, it is not clear what a dish is. Using a video can help solve this and bring the menu to life.

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2 min, 347 words

We recently visited a local Indian restaurant and they had an interesting way to explain the dishes on the menu.

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Categories: business

The One Percent Exercise

A simple group exercise to improve your company or even your life

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4 min, 758 words

At a recent off-site we ran a simple group exercise that will hopefully make a big difference to the success of the company

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Categories: work

Missing images

The images on my blog all suddenly disappeared and I didn't know why

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2 min, 389 words

I hadn't updated my blog for a while so I thought I would write a short post about The Keeper Test. That is when all the images suddenly stopped displaying on this blog.

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Categories: technology

8 minutes

Asking if someone has 8 minutes can make a big difference.

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2 min, 284 words

Can a friend ask you for a chat when they really need one?

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Categories: life

The Keeper Test

How do you work out who your most important or best employees are?

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3 min, 403 words

It is that time of year where performance and salaries are reviewed. In my new role it is the first time I have been part of this. I came across a very timely article that aligned nicely with one of the steps in our process.

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Categories: work