Things I have learnt over time ...

Strategies for starting something new

Published on 
2 min, 226 words

Most people struggle with the blank page and starting something new. This episode of the podcast Spark & Fire has snippets from interviews with 5 different people and how they start something new or overcome writers block.

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Categories: life podcast

The world in photos

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1 min, 106 words

I recently came across two different websites that allow you to look at the world through photos in two completely different ways.

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Categories: life

Reducing Build Size

Published on 
1 min, 161 words

I have been developing a Maui application as a side project and on the whole it has been a fun process. It is still very buggy and there are some pain points however it seems to work. One aspect I haven't liked is the size of the build artefacts - they are huge if you have multiple projects.

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Categories: coding

Solving a Dell laptop freezing

Published on 
2 min, 203 words

I have a Dell XPS13 laptop and it developed this really annoying habit of randomly freezing for a few seconds and then carrying on as if nothing had happened. It quite often happened in the middle of a work call which made it pretty much unusable.

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Categories: howto