Things I have learnt over time ...

New ways to generate ideas online

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2 min, 321 words

There are a lot of sites that claim to be idea generators. Most of them turn out to be just a button you click that slings together a bunch of random words that are meant to then become a prompt to generate ideas.

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Categories: business

Fractional talent as an alternative pool of resources

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2 min, 273 words

At the startup I work for we used to have a full time HR person. These were in the days when the expectation was that we would have explosive growth and the company would "at least double in size every few months". Unfortunately that is not the way it played out - we are still making good progress but have much more realistic growth plans.

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Categories: work

Committing time to stand out from the crowd

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3 min, 494 words

There is a famous quote that asks how you eat an elephant and the answer is one bite at a time. It can be very daunting when attempting something new especially if it is potentially a large task. However it is impossible if you don't take the first step.

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Categories: life

How we recharged the team with a fallow week

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2 min, 274 words

Due to the ongoing COVID situation the team had been struggling to stay focussed and motivated. The inability to go out, the lack of change of scenery and the sameness every day has been taking its toll. To try to address this we actively encouraged them to take time off - which, given the limitations on travel, was less appealing than it normally would be.

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Categories: work