Things I have learnt over time ...

How to run a planning workshop

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4 min, 677 words

We have just completed a two week exercise with the whole development team to identify, design and estimate the next phase of work. It started as an organic process as we found the best way to do this and then developed into a repeatable process for the latter functionality.

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Categories: work

Places to name things

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1 min, 33 words

This one is just for future reference for me that I may find useful one day - a website full of resources that may be useful for naming things.

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Categories: business

The value of throwing code away

Published on 
1 min, 161 words

We had a discussion at work about "throw away" code. One of our developers was very against developing any code that would be thrown away afterwards. He referred to this as a waste. In my view sometimes the biggest gain can be in developing code that is meant to be thrown away. It can be used to try things and, more importantly, learn things that can shape the code that is kept. This article sums it up much more eloquently than I can.

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From 5 whys to why now?

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1 min, 113 words

I have used the "5 whys" approach multiple times to get to the root of some question. This article advocates adding a time dimension to the decision. Not only should we consider why we are doing something, we should also consider why we are doing something at a specific point in time. It also twists this around and suggests we should consider "What is the danger of not doing this right now?" - what would we lose or miss?

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Categories: business