Things I have learnt over time ...

Black Mirror - technology ethics and can it be used for wrong?

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1 min, 129 words

Nearly every technology that has been developed has been used for both good and bad. Developments that look like they could have a massive impact on civilization have usually also spun off a side effect that has a detrimental effect. This could be the latest technologies such as genetic engineering and artificial intelligence or older technologies such as the automobile.

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Categories: technology

Antilibrary - should I finish the book I am reading?

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1 min, 82 words

I read a lot of books and once I start reading a book I normally finish it. This article proposes that it may be more valuable to have a bunch of books that are unread. Not sure I completely buy in to the proposition that "Read books are far less valuable than unread ones" however maybe I won't feel so guilty buying a book and then leaving it unread.

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Categories: life

Scala + Sbt + Docker quickly

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1 min, 75 words

I am currently starting to learn Scala (to add to a myriad of other languages I have programmed in over my career). We are also in the process of "dockerizing" our application. So I wanted to try for myself getting a simple Scala application running in Docker.

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Categories: coding

Abolish performance reviews

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1 min, 118 words

I have never been a fan of performance reviews. It may have been down to the way they were implemented at the places I worked however they never seemed to achieve what they were set out to do. The review would usually consist of going over the "achievements" for the past period and then setting a bunch of artificial goals for the next period. The only time these new goals were actually consulted was in the run up to the next review.

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Categories: work