Things I have learnt over time ...

Document your house

Building a user guide/manual for the house

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2 min, 284 words

We have manuals and guides for the software we use. We have a manual for the car we drive. Why not the house?

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Categories: life

Oh no second

Most experienced people in development have experienced an oh no second at some point in their careers.

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3 min, 410 words

An oh no second is that moment in time when you realise that you have done something potentially catastrophic and your stomach turns to mush with the dread and realisation.

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Categories: work

The cost of AI

The current trend to add AI to everything is driving up the cost.

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2 min, 359 words

There is a rush at the moment to add AI to everything with a fear that if you don't then you will be left behind.

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Categories: ai

Foundations lead to structure

The foundations you lay govern the structure that you can build.

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2 min, 383 words

Foundations are important and need to be correct and strong before you build anything.

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Categories: life

Abstract art

Using abstract art to stand out

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2 min, 263 words

I have never understood abstract art. I have tried.

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Categories: misc

Favourite books

The books that have had the most impact on me or I have enjoyed the most.

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9 min, 1601 words

The top shelf of books in my study has the books that have had the most impact on me or that I have enjoyed reading the most.

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Categories: book

The joy and dilemma of reading

The enjoyment of reading and the dilemma of what to read next

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3 min, 484 words

I read a lot of books. Last year I read over 50 books and this year I am heading towards 40 books.

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Categories: book