Things I have learnt over time ...

What is different?

The difference a good culture and team can make.

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2 min, 292 words

Every Monday morning as part of our stand up meeting we ask a "question of the day". A designated victim person chooses a question that each team member gets to answer. This week the question that was asked was:

What do you like about our company that is different from other places you have worked?

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Categories: work

Letting go is hard

As a parent it is hard when your child moves to the next stage of their life.

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4 min, 647 words

Last weekend our daughter started on the next part of her life journey. We dropped her off at Exeter University as she is about to embark on a four year adventure studying psychology.

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Categories: life

Istrian holiday notes and tips

Notes from our holiday in Istria - reviews, hints and tips

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21 min, 4012 words

We recently spent just under two weeks visiting Croatia and in particular the Istrian peninsular. These are my notes and thoughts from the holiday.

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Always agreeing

A recent candidate was asked about consultancy and said the customer is always right. Discuss ...

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3 min, 422 words

When interviewing a potential candidate recently I asked them the difference, in their opinion, between the way a consultant/contractor engages with a company and a full time employee.

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Categories: work

Avoiding regrets

My one regret and how I was able to stop someone experiencing the same

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2 min, 357 words

When my daughter was at nursery I missed a show she was in. Unknown to me, she had the leading role and I missed it because of a work meeting.

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Categories: life

I rely on RSS

RSS is a key part of my approach to keeping up to date

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3 min, 479 words

I rely on RSS (Really Simple Syndication) to keep me up to speed on what is happening in the world.

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Categories: technology

Life changer

Meeting someone who changed my life and didn't know it

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3 min, 580 words

I was fortunate enough to meet someone who dramatically changed my life but didn't know it. And when I met them I didn't even get the chance to speak to them or say thank you.

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Categories: life