Things I have learnt over time ...

Hyper-V on Windows 11 Home

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1 min, 117 words

I am dabbling with .NET Maui and developing an application for Android. Tied to that I have just changed laptop. On my previous laptop I had Windows 11 Pro but the new one has Windows 11 Home.

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Categories: technology

The origins of Space Invaders

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2 min, 213 words

When I was at school they had a building which was mainly for the use of those doing their O Levels (the old name for what is now GCSE examinations). There were only two reasons I would get to go to the building: one was for music lessons as for some reason the music department was located there. The second was to attend the weekly youth night they held for each year group.

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Categories: technology

Fatherly wisdom

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2 min, 395 words

Today my daughter turns 18 years old. Wow, time flown has by.

One of her friends is putting together a present that includes letters from her friends and family. This gave me the wonderful opportunity to write her a letter reminiscing about her life and telling her how proud of her I am - and also giving her advice for the future.

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Categories: life