Things I have learnt over time ...

Boost productivity with meeting free days

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1 min, 145 words

It is very easy for your work week to become a random collection of meetings - all with different attendees and different agendas. For developers in particular this can cause a huge hit on productivity as their day becomes disjointed and they are unable to stay focussed for the longer periods they need for their work.

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Categories: work

A simple addition to every meeting

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1 min, 185 words

We have a lot of remote meetings as most of our team work a significant amount of time from home. Face to face meetings are much better for some types of meetings - especially workshops and retrospectives. As the level of expected collaboration increases the more it favours face to face interactions.

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Categories: work

Speed up in the long term by slowing down in the short term

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3 min, 409 words

On most projects there is a tendency for someone involved to become the "expert" in one or more areas. As they become comfortable and more knowledgeable in an area they will naturally gravitate to picking up tasks related to it. The need to deliver as quickly as possible can also drive this as the person who knows most is likely to be the person who can do the work quickest.

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Categories: work

A remote family breakfast

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2 min, 206 words

Someone I work with mentioned that each week he takes time to have coffee with his mum. This might sound quite normal but there are two parts that stand out for me.

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Categories: life

Watch an octopus dreaming

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1 min, 36 words

Obviously we have no idea whether the interpretation in the video is correct however I love they way the octopus changes colour and shape as it "dreams".

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Categories: video

Goggles give back sight

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1 min, 87 words

This short clip is pretty remarkable. A young woman lost most of her sight due to a brain tumour. All she has left is a small blurry circle in her right eye. With the use of some AR goggles and some very clever tech she was able to read for the first time in years - very moving.

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Categories: technology

Sleep is your superpower

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1 min, 79 words

This is one of the scariest videos I think I have ever seen. It is not a horror movie or a thriller - it is a talk about the impact sleep has on the body and in particular the impact a lack of sleep has. This includes increasing the risk of cancer, decreased brain function and reduced immune system. I am seriously reconsidering how I "do" sleep after watching this!

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Categories: life