Things I have learnt over time ...

Goggles give back sight

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1 min, 87 words

This short clip is pretty remarkable. A young woman lost most of her sight due to a brain tumour. All she has left is a small blurry circle in her right eye. With the use of some AR goggles and some very clever tech she was able to read for the first time in years - very moving.

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Categories: technology

Sleep is your superpower

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1 min, 79 words

This is one of the scariest videos I think I have ever seen. It is not a horror movie or a thriller - it is a talk about the impact sleep has on the body and in particular the impact a lack of sleep has. This includes increasing the risk of cancer, decreased brain function and reduced immune system. I am seriously reconsidering how I "do" sleep after watching this!

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Categories: life

Even more book summaries

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2 min, 225 words

I read a lot of books - a bit less at the moment as I commute less - but still probably more than most people. However there are so many books I would like to read I can't read them all. I still prefer to read the full book but sometimes book summaries are useful - either to get the key concepts or as a reminder of what I have previously read.

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Categories: life

Lazy programmers can be the most productive

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1 min, 129 words

There is often a work culture that you should be busy all the time - if you are a programmer you should always be typing and producing code. Programming is a mental process and so requires thinking. Sometimes a little thought upfront saves a lot of pain and work down the line.

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A clear desk helps avoid being the bottleneck

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1 min, 188 words

I really like Seth Godin's blog - I could easily link to his posts every day - however occasionally a post really stands out for me. A recent post called Bottlenecks had an interesting observation that was a different way of thinking about them.

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Categories: life

Technical debt is like Tetris

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1 min, 108 words

This article uses a really neat analogy with Tetris for illustrating the impact of technical debt. Leaving gaps is akin to leaving technical debt in the code base and makes subsequent changes more difficult or slower to ship.

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